Here Comes the Sun

As the UK election approaches, a recent comment on The Guardian (03.07.24) by Zadie Smith seems worth sharing. You may remember her short story „The Embassy of Cambodia“ from class …

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black and white picture of the HMT Empire Windrush


The Windrush scandal, named after the HMT Empire Windrush, which brought one of the first groups of Caribbean migrants to the United Kingdom in 1948, is a dark chapter in

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Cover Image

Cotton Capital

This series of The Guardian explores its own slavery legacy. It’s an excellent resource for getting to grips with the legacy of slavery and how much Great Britain benefited from its colonial past.

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Farewell …

… Queen Elizabeth II. Many British people mourn their loss and some businesses and government agencies scramble to find novel ways to mark the solemn occasion (e.g. supermarket chain Morrisons

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Dandelion in front of a blurred background at dusk


Feeling stressed, anxious, worried or just in need for some gentle relaxation? Give buddhify a try. This guided meditation app is absolutely brilliant. There is no need for an expensive

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